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A time to rest and renew.

December 21, 20232 min read

Christmas and the new year are just around the corner, and this may be a time of year when you feel there is a lot going on, a lot expected of you and too much to do generally.

Why not use the 2 weeks around Christmas and New Year as a great starter to unwind, rest and recharge instead?  The coming weeks are an important time to take extra care of yourself. In the frenzy of celebrating and giving, we sometimes forget to start with ourselves and to make sure we replenish and find some energy for the winter.

A few ideas to help you do this could be:

Do things more slowly.  Counterintuitive I know but slowing down will allow you to feel less tired and to enjoy what you are doing. And if you take time to slow down progressively and start again gently in January, your body will be in better shape than if you stop and restart abruptly.

Allow at least a few days free of work and obligations, just days for you to enjoy and rest as you like. Put absent messages on your email and phone so that you do not have to worry about work.

Have days where you do not go on social media. Cancel all notifications from them and forget to put them back on in January!

Treat yourself to things you enjoy and that make you feel good and recharged. Not sure about you but for me that looks like sleeping in, having long, hot baths, taking walks in the countryside, reading, meditating and sophrology and yes, some dark chocolate somewhere in that mix!

If you are lucky enough to see loved ones, make space for them and be fully present.

Take time to pause and examine how you spend your days generally.  Are you busy with the right things?  This can be a time for a deep declutter of your timetable.  Look at how you want to work, live, and be in the new year.  Put true priorities first, write in time to relax and renew as an essential.  Let go of the rest.  Be mindful of how you organize your days.

So, what are your plans to take care of yourself, rest and renew for the holidays?

And if you need help to declutter your timetable and rethink how you work and live, why not use our Elevate your routines programme? If you did not do these online workshops with us in 2023, you can access the replays and prepare your best routines ever at your own pace.

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Florence Parot

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