
Elevate your routines for a lighter life

Elevate your evening routine

Rethink how you finish your day to recharge fully

How do you usually feel at the end of the day? Tired? Overwhelm by everything you still have to do? Are you finding it hard to fall asleep or to have a refreshing sleep? Would you like to feel calm and peaceful at the end of the day, able to truly enjoy your evening or to fall asleep more easily?


In this workshop, you will:

Understand your ideal sleeping time.

Learn how to disconnect truly to sleep better and recharge.

Discover simple techniques to fall asleep.

Prepare your own evening ritual.

Elevate your morning routine

Rethink how you start your morning for a more serene day.

How do you start your day? At 200 mph as soon as you open your eyes? Do you think you do not have enough time to start gently because time is precious and there is too

much to do? The way we spend the first hour of the day impacts our entire day, it is therefore essential to have a closer look at what we do and at how we can really make it into a moment that allows us to be at 100% all day.

In this workshop, you will:

Understand your ideal wake up time.

Learn what to do in the morning for a clearer mind and a calmer body.

Learn quick and simple techniques that you can start using straight away.

Prepare your own morning ritual.

Letting go of fatigue

Find your own pace - Learn to recharge fully

Did you take the time to recharge before starting 2023 or have you started the new year with already too much on your plate?

If you are already/still feeling tired or overwhelmed, it may be time to regroup and understand what is needed to make things easier and lighter for you.

 In this workshop, you will:

Connect to your true level of energy.

Understand what supports and sustains you and what drains you.

Prepare your action plan for a lighter, overwhelm-free year.

Live workshops that you can now access in replay.

Access to the 3 replays: 100 €

Your host for the workshops: Florence Parot





Founder of La Bulle de Repos and The Sophrology Academy

More about Florence

What Florence's clients have said over the years:

"A great listener, empathy and kindness, Florence gave me everything I needed at that time. ”

“ Your teaching are guidings are always clear and of the highest quality. The way you communicate with others simple and authentic.”

“ You are unique, so professional and different from the others.”

“ Florence's style is both calm and full of energy, joyful, clear and down to earth.

Her listening skills, her kindness and her expertise are such that I have always felt I could trust her implicitly.”

“ Your authenticity, gentleness and inner strenght made a real difference for me. Thank you.”

“Working with Florence has helped me gain perspective, consider events from a different, more positive, angle, accept that time is necessary for change. As for the sophrology techniques themselves, learning to breathe has helped me feel calmer or more energetic; visualising, also esential for my energy levels, has helped me project myself in the future with a more positive approach.”

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